Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Day in The E.R.

and George Clooney was nowhere in sight...

So I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. Or so i thought.  This is my week where i don't take my Chemo, so Lynn and i went out last night for ribs. My ALL TIME FAVORITE FOOD! Being that i am a regular chemo receiver i don't generally have much of an appetite, and subsequently don't eat very much, but last night i went a little crazy and ate a whole rack, and ordered seconds.

Flash forward 16 hours, lunch time at work, and i felt like i got hit by a train. My head was spinning, i felt like i was going to faint and i lost the feeling in both of my legs. So i sat down and after making some calls to my Neurologist, they finally called me back and said based on what had happened. I needed to go to the Emergency Room, and get there fast.

After arriving i was checked in quickly and was hoping to have some answers pretty quick.. No such Luck. It was easily 4 hours before i saw the first doctor, and an additional hour to see the neurologist. The took some scans and basically told me that my Shunt was failing, and i would probably need surgery to fix it, and that they were going to keep me overnight. At this point i was feeling a little better, and asked what my other options were. They asked me to wait while they reviewed my scans.

Turns out my shunt was functioning normally. (I'm still not sure i believe thats true all the time but i digress)  If anyone cares... It was just constipation, EPIC CONSTIPATION. but i guess my large intestine gets impacted and presses on the nerves that control my legs. I was also chemo drug withdrawling this morning, and my head just couldn't take it. So With a little help from good friends, Colace, Sennocot, and the Magical Mystery Miralax. I should be good as new in a few days. Heres Hoping

1 comment:

  1. "EPIC CONSTIPATION" would be good punk rock song fodder. Heh. If you can get anythign good out of the whole experience, other than the story.
